Living The Good Life with Dr. Derwin Gray: Podcast 296

In this podcast, Founding and Lead Pastor of Transformation Church in South Carolina, Dr. Derwin Gray joins Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson in a conversation around their church history, the impact of leveraging technology to share the gospel, and the importance of addressing racism as a leader. Listen to this podcast and learn insights on living a good life and finding happiness in something deeper. These topics and more on this new SMC podcast. 


Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.

Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson Linkedin


Derwin Gray

Marinate On That Podcast

Derwin Gray Contact

Derwin Gray Facebook

Derwin Gray Twitter

Derwin Gray Instagram


Transformation Church

The Good Life Book

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Social Listening with Charissa Carnall: Podcast 295

In this podcast, National Director for Social Media at Teach for America, Charissa Carnall joins Nils Smith in a conversation around social listening and how churches should be navigating around it in this unique time that we’re in. Listen to this podcast and learn practical tools the church can use and what they should be listening for. These and more on this new SMC podcast. 

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.

Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Charissa Carnall 

Charissa Carnall Email Address

Charissa Carnall Facebook 

Charissa Carnall Twitter 

Charissa Carnall Instagram  

Charissa Carnall LinkedIn  

Teach for America

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The Power of Email and Social Media Integration: Podcast 294

In this podcast, Vice President of Business Development at Vanderbloemen, Holly Tate joins Nils Smith to talk about how email should better fit into the communication strategy of churches and email alignment to social media.  Listen to this podcast to learn more about some of the general best practices in email communication for churches. These and more on this new SMC podcast. 

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.

Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Holly Tate

Holly Tate Email Address

Holly Tate Facebook 

Holly Tate Twitter 

Holly Tate Instagram  

Holly Tate LinkedIn  


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Getting To Know WhatsApp: Podcast 293

In this podcast, Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson talk about WhatsApp as a social platform, its core functions and how people use it today. They also talk about what sets it apart from other messenger platforms, and the opportunities on WhatsApp that organizations should maximize. These points and more on this new SMC podcast. 

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.

Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Aaron Magnuson Facebook 

Aaron Magnuson Twitter 

Aaron Magnuson Instagram  

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn  




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Maximizing ALL of Instagram for Your Church: Podcast 292

church digital social media Jun 16, 2020


In this podcast, Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson dive into the best practices for organizations and churches on Instagram, maximizing its features and functions, and the great opportunities to intentionally reach the target audience through this platform. These and more on this episode.


Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.

Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Aaron Magnuson Facebook 

Aaron Magnuson Twitter 

Aaron Magnuson Instagram  

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn  



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Analyzing Zuck's Vision for the Future: Podcast 291

facebook social media May 25, 2020

In this podcast, Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson delve into Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg’s 2020 resolution that’s focused on the next decade. How will these social media developments impact the platform and its users?

This and more on this episode.

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.


Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Aaron Magnuson Facebook 

Aaron Magnuson Twitter 

Aaron Magnuson Instagram  

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn  


Mark Zuckerberg 2020 Vision



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Post-Easter Online Church Analysis: Podcast 290

In this podcast, Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson talk about post-easter, how people have been adapting to church through online experiences, and how these recent happenings impact churches in prioritizing their online ministry in the future. 

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.


Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Aaron Magnuson Facebook 

Aaron Magnuson Twitter 

Aaron Magnuson Instagram  

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn  


Dunham+Company Website




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Leaning into Free Faithlife Resources During the Quarantine and Beyond with Bob Pritchett: Podcast 289

In this podcast, Bob Pritchett, President and CEO at Faithlife Corporation, joins Nils Smith to talk about their global platform offering live streaming, online giving, church website setup, and more resources for churches to maximize, especially in the midst of this global pandemic.

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.

Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


Bob Pritchett

Bob Pritchett Facebook 

Bob Pritchett Twitter 

Bob Pritchett Instagram  

Bob Pritchett LinkedIn  


Faithlife Website

Faithlife COVID-19 Resources

Faithlife Live Stream 

Faithlife Giving

Faithlife Sites 

Faithlife Proclaim

Faithlife Media

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Quarantine From a Lead Pastor's Seat with Chris Emmitt: Podcast 288

leadership ministry Apr 15, 2020

In this podcast, Chris Emmitt, lead pastor of Mountain Lake Church, joins Nils Smith to talk about navigating ministries and church leadership amidst the global pandemic. Learn more about different social media strategies they are taking and what churches can do, especially during these times.

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.


Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 

Chris Emmitt

Chris Emmitt Facebook

Chris Emmitt Twitter

Chris Emmitt Instagram

Mountain Lake Church



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Learning to Be Social With L.Michelle Salvant: Podcast 287

In this podcast, L.Michelle Salvant joins Nils Smith to talk about her journey into digital ministry– from getting into platforms, embracing engagement opportunities, learning lessons from ministry failures, and more -for church and ministry leaders to effectively create impact in the Kingdom of God. 

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast.


Show Notes:

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


L.Michelle Salvant Facebook

L.MIchelle Salvant Twitter

L.Michelle Salvant Instagram



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