Podcast 402: Ministry and Metrix with Amber Smart

The words “data” and “analytics” have been thrown around a lot in the digital and social media world. But do we really know what they mean and why they're important? And why does it matter for our church?

Join us for this captivating conversation as Amber Smart, founder of SmartMetrix, shares her expertise on how we can connect these dots and help our churches make better decisions with data-driven strategies and establish an effective digital strategy.


Show Notes:

  • Smart Metrix is a boutique consulting firm focused on data visualization. Founded in 2013, they empower leaders from coast to coast and across industries to share information quickly and with intent to grow and improve.
  • Digerati [di·ge·ra·ti] - people with expertise or professional involvement in information technology (Oxford Languages). 
  • Big Data refers to the large, diverse sets of information that grow at ever-increasing rates. It encompasses the volume of information, the velocity or speed at which it is created and collected, and the variety or scope of the data points being covered.


Connect with Ambert Smart and Smart Metrix:

Amber Smart LinkedIn 

Amber Smart Instagram 

Smart Metrix Instagram 

Smart Metrix Website 


Connect with Nils Smith:

Nils Smith Website

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter

Nils Smith Instagram

Nils Smith LinkedIn

Social Media Church Discord

This episode is sponsored by Amplify Social Media, your trusted ministry partner in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing.


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