Podcast 366: A New Short-Form Video Strategy for Your Church

If you see us all over social media this year, that’s because we’ve started to dive deep into short-form vertical videos. 

And in case you haven’t noticed, what’s trending now is vertical video. It’s not only for TikTok but vertical video is for every major platform we know, even on YouTube!

This is the sign that your church needs to start doing a short-form video strategy. These vertical videos–whether YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram or Facebook Reels–can deliver organic engagement and traffic to your channel or website. 

In this episode of the Social Media Church Podcast, we learn why you should and how you can leverage short-form, bite-sized vertical videos. We think they just work and get people’s attention!  

Listen and discover why we believe short-form videos will be big in 2023. 

Join the discussion! We'd love to know what you think about this podcast.  Share them using the hashtag #SMCPodcast 


Facebook - www.facebook.com/socmediachurch/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/SocMediaChurch
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/socmediachurch/

TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@socmediachurch

Discord - https://discord.gg/3V2UTcpvmy 

Amplify Social Media - https://www.amplifysocial.media/


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