Podcast 348: Is It Time to Get Off Facebook?

Facebook has just celebrated their 15th anniversary. With their incredible platform, it remains to be the single most effective social media marketing platform out there. 

There's no denying that Facebook is a powerful app. Unfortunately, according to an article from Healthcare Success, its organic reach has continued to decline since 2016. Should your church continue to invest in Facebook? Or is it time to get off Facebook?

Let's hear it from Nils and Aaron in this episode of the Social Media Church Podcast as they talk about the popular social media platform, Facebook, and if your church needs to make a shift from that app.

Tune in to know more!


Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse


Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 


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