Podcast 336: We Hosted Our First Conference; Now What?

What a Conference we just had! And we want to give a BIG thank you to you, our listeners!! 

After months and months of preparation, we are happy to report that The Social Media Conference reached over 400 church leaders worldwide! 

...Now what?

Join our hosts Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson as they share a candid conversation about their joy and experiences as initiators and hosts of the recently concluded Conference plus sharing what the participants’ next steps should look like, equipped with knowledge and tools to maximize the power of social media for online ministry. 

P.S We may or may not be brewing for another...it’s for you to find out! Hop into the conversation here.


Show Notes:

Nils Smith Website 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin

Nils Smith Clubhouse

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse


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