Hosting an Online Marriage Retreat with Dr. Kim Kimberling: Podcast 314

resources Jan 22, 2021

October last year, our host, Nils Smith, in partnership with Awesome Marriage CEO, Dr. Kim Kimberling, launched a self-paced Online Marriage Retreat designed to help couples in their most intimate relationship.

In this podcast episode, Nils and Dr. Kim dive deep into this topic and how it can impact marriages in churches to not only survive, but thrive.

Sign up for the Online Marriage Retreat today! Use promocode: SMCPODCAST to get a special discount.

Share your thoughts using the hashtag #SMCPodcast. 

Show Notes:

Nils Smith Website 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin

Dr. Kim Kimberling Facebook

Dr. Kim Kimberling Twitter

Dr. Kim Kimberling Instagram

Dr. Kim Kimberling Linkedin

A Better Man Podcast

Awesome Marriage Website

Online Marriage Retreat Website


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